Winston continues to improve daily. He looks so much better. His wounds are almost totally healed. He is going to grow back more hair than we thought, but we think his scars are cool anyway. The scars on his legs look like a web so we call him spiderdog! He really is a superhero to us. How a dog who has been through this much can still have such a capacity to love is a miracle.
His stamina is improving and his weight is up. We can barely see his ribs! He is such a sweetie and loves to play. Libby has more than warmed up to him. She seems to be in love! Don't worry, there is no chance of any Boxer Terriers!
Could the Lewis Family possibly have 2 dogs? He and Libby look so comfy.
OK,so even a hard hearted person like Your such a good person to take care of him.
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